Contract Terms and Conditions
Terms And Conditions Of Contract
Performance: Work crews may arrive at the job site unannounced unless otherwise noted herein. Contractor shall attempt to meet all performance dates, but shall not be liable for damages due to delays from inclement weather or ANY other causes beyond our control.
Workmanship: All work will be performed professionally by experienced personnel outfitted with the appropriate tools and equipment to complete the job properly. Unless otherwise indicated herein, Contractor will remove wood, brush, and debris incidental to the work to a reasonable standard. Tree work by nature requires heavy equipment that can and will cause incidental damages to the job site. The Contractor will make every effort to repair any damages done by equipment but will not be held liable for any damages requiring repair from outside sources. Customer assumes full responsibility for damages to any walkways, driveways, yards or the like in the event rigging and mechanical advantage is unemployable for safety purposes. In most cases Rock Solid Tree Service will mitigate any and all damages as possible to driveways and manmade walkways.
Insurance: Contractor and any subcontractors are insured for $4 million aggregate, $2 million per occurrence in General Liability resulting from injury to persons or property. Anything not covered by the policy will be the responsibility of the contractor; unless the customer or external influences cause a negative outcome during job execution.
Ownership: The customer warrants that all trees, plant material and property upon which work is to be performed are either owned by him/her or that permission for the work has been obtained from the owner. Contractor is to be held harmless from all claims for damages resulting from the customer's failure to obtain such permission.
Scheduling/Cancellation Fee: Contractor kindly requests that the authorizing party provide at least 24 hours advance notice of any full or partial work cancellation for jobs that have been scheduled in advance. If a crew has been dispatched to the job site for scheduled work, and the customer cancels the job, the customer may be assessed a mobilization fee of at least $200 (up to incurred damages) for incurred expenses.
Safety: Contractor warrants that all arboricultural operations will follow the latest version of the ANSI Z133.1 industry safety standards. The authorizing party agrees to not enter the work area during arboricultural operations unless authorized by the crew leader on-site.
Pet Waste: Pet waste is extremely hazardous to the health of our crews. Pet waste can carry diseases such as salmonella, E. coli, and other infections. Pet waste is VERY TOXIC and extremely disgusting. We have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for pet waste. If pet waste is present in the work area when the crew arrives, the crew will not perform any work. They will leave and you will forfeit your 25% deposit. No exceptions.
Tree Decline or Failure: Contractor will make the customer aware of any problems found with trees while on property. It is impossible to know or identify all problems and predict all failures. We will give our best opinion of structural stability and tree health based on visual inspection. Customer acknowledges the contractor is not to be held responsible for any decline in tree health or failure of trees or damage caused by failure of any or all trees once crews leave the site. It shall be expressly known by the customer to ensure that all tasks were performed to standard and are acceptable BEFORE crews depart.
Rates and Settlements: Due to the highly volatile nature of the industry, it shall be expressly known that all rates and settlements are based on contract rates. At no time, for any reason, shall rates be considered pro-rated except at the sole discretion of the Contractor. Services may be rendered under less than ideal circumstances in which case, it shall be expected to reach a mutual understanding as to fair and just reimbursement. Although the contractor may offer additional services upon completion of initial services, this shall by no means obligate the contractor to any additional terms.
Terms of Payment: A standard and customary, 25% non-refundable deposit is required to commence work. Any deposits made on work that has started by the performance date may be subject to refund. Due to volatility in conditions or for any other unforeseen reason, projects that have begun and are still making progress after the performance date will still be subject to full payment upon completion. All accounts are net payable due upon receipt of the invoice. A service charge of 5% will be added monthly to accounts not fully paid 30 days subsequent to the invoice date. Customer is responsible for all costs associated with the collection, including, but not limited to, attorney fees and court costs.